Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Rural development plan (sometimes called Village Development Plan (VDP)) is prepared after conducting baseline surveys and PRA exercise and comprehensive analysis of data collected in the process. Rural Planning and Management needs a multi-disciplinary approach focusing on spatial, social, economic and environmental issues related to human habitat in rural and regional contexts. Rural planning coverage will ranges from policy perspectives for planning and management of rural areas and preparation of action plans at the micro level. The Main aim of the programme is to integrate various issues to develop comprehensive strategies for rural planning and management. In order to provide the rural people with better prospects for economic development, the focus has to be on increased participation of people in the rural development programmes, decentralization of planning to villages, better enforcement of the land reforms and greater access to credit and employment opportunities.

A rural development plan usually contains following:
  1. Profile of Target Rural Area
  2. Profile of Target Rural Community/Beneficiaries
  3. Need analysis/Rationale of the plan
  4. Objectives of Rural development plan
  5. Project Duration
  6. Sector-wise development initiatives
  7. Methodology for implementation
  8. Work Plan (Time and Staff Scheduling)
  9. Financial Requirements including community contribution
  10. Outcomes/Results of plan
  11. Convergence through Government Schemes
  12. Withdrawal Strategy (Post Project Management)
  13. Cost Benefit Analysis
  14. Past experiences of Implementation Agency (Testimonials)

Details of above listed components are given below:

  1. Profile of Target Rural Area: Geographical details including natural resources (Land, Forest, Water, Human, Livestock) availability and usage patterns, distances from major cities and markets, Infrastructure and facilities status (roads, schools, hospitals, railway, transportation, banks, cooperatives, post-office, telecommunication services, local market) and Agricultural profile (Cultivable land, wasteland, pastureland, irrigated land, Major crops with varieties of inputs, productivity and related economics)
  2. Profile of Target Rural Community/Beneficiaries: Major Castes and religions, Population demographics and cultural profile, literacy and nutritional levels, Level of Poverty, Skills, Potential for Capacity Building, Training needs, present micro-enterprise status, occupation, unemployment, social dynamics, politics and major conflicts (overall behavioral analysis)
  3. Need analysis/Rationale of the plan: Problems of the rural area and population and Possible solutions with different stakeholder analysis
  4. Objectives of Rural development plan: Project Specific Objectives clearly outlining the plan
  5. Project Duration: Time period of implementation and Post project management activities
  6. Sector-wise development initiatives: Various development initiatives specific to different sectors like infrastructure, agriculture, water resources, forestry, biodiversity, health, nutrition, education, horticulture, livestock, micro-enterprises, community based organizations, women development, farmer producer organizations, value chain and governance etc. Long term sustainability through community participation, capacity building training plans, market linkages and credit assurance shall be ensured for each initiative.
  7. Methodology for implementation: Detailed approach and methodology to achieve the objectives of the Rural Development Plan (RDP)
  8. Work Plan (Time and Staff Scheduling): Detailed work plan in accordance with the methodology. Staffing requirements with justification, Time and Staff scheduling of various activities. Roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders.
  9. Financial Requirements including community contribution: Total costs involved along with time frame of the Rural Development Plan (RDP) with justifications
  10. Outcomes/Results of plan: Benefits of the Plan activities (Quantitative as well as Qualitative analysis of probable results)
  11. Convergence through Government Schemes
  12. Withdrawal Strategy (Post Project Management)
  13. Cost Benefit Analysis
  14. Past experiences of Implementation Agency (Testimonials)
  15. Future Opportunities and Initiatives: Further planning required and initiatives to be included in next plan